I just met the lovely Jodi Simpson who just launched City Match in June. She shares her services with several employers in our city who hire talent from accross the globe and help them settle in. Everything from groups and clubs to join, buying a home or insurance, introductions to like minded individuals and getting kids enrolled in schools. This is one Entrepreneur I’m looking forward to following over the years to see how she handles her obstacles. Find out more at:


Jodi Simpson has been reaching out to and connecting newcomers since she was a young child when she assumed the role of meeting the new kids in school and introducing them around. Since then, her passion for connecting people, businesses and organizations, for building community and her commitment to the development of a vibrant London community has propelled her through a rich and rewarding career.

Jodi understands the challenges that many London-based companies face to stand out, to compete for talent and the perception that London can be a ‘tough city to crack’. CityMatch evolved out of this understanding, a genuine desire to show newcomers the great city that London is and the opportunity to support her clients in meaningful ways.

“Every step has led me here: my involvement in community building initiatives, my passion for the diversity of the human experience, my career as a recruiter, economic development agent, marketer and entrepreneur. My love of London forms the foundation on which CityMatch has been built.”                                     — Jodi Simpson, Founder

For the extended version of our chat listen in audio podcast format at iTunes, Stitcher Radio or this page

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/londonpreneur/jodi_simpson.mp3″ title=”TLS 078 Jodi Simpson” artist=”Michelle Carter” ]


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