Anyone from London, Ontario knows of H.B. Beal Secondary School’s Arts program and its amazing reputation. Students from all over London attend Bealart to hone their incredible talents with the hope of sculpting a career out of them. Sylvie Verwaayen, a Bealart grad, knew she was a talented artist when she attended Beal and later enrolled Fanshawe College’s Industrial and Product Design program, but she also discovered a passion for education throughout her development as an artist. Ms. Verwaayen was an instructor at Fanshawe for 10  years, and she has also been involved with mentoring young artists and other causes in the London community.

Throughout Ms. Verwaayen’s career, it is clear that is passionate not only about art, but about engaging and helping people. In fact, Ms. Verywaayen advises aspiring entrepreneurs to “never try to do everything by themselves”. You can find value in interacting with a variety of people, whether its assistance with a project or inspiration for a new piece of art. We often like to think of entrepreneurs as “lone wolf” type of personalities, but the truth is that no one gets successful alone or by accident. Engage with those around you and return the favour!
