
I am learning quickly in business that a plan is not concrete. Its great to have but it needs to be flexible to incorporate all the opportunities and struggles that start popping up. I have learned more clearly what parts of my business I am strong in and what parts I am weak. Writing is one of my weaknesses and it takes a lot of evergy out of me to even just write these short intros. Sigh.

So since my marketing plan was to blog about building my business, I’ve decided to create vlogs (video blogs) instead. You can check out the first one at and hopefully not notice how awkward I am on camera.  I am hoping that will go away with practise.

I met my next guest, Lisa Austin from It Fits Personal Training at a couple networking events this past summer and was attracted to her passion for fitness.  Since then we had a coffee meeting and I have accepted her 30 day challenge to create a habit of regular exercise. I even promised her that I would record my progress on camera so she can share my progress as her testimonial. Yikes! Talk about accountability. If you interested in doing the 30 day challenge with me, please post in the comments below and keep me up to date.  You don’t necessarily have to record yourself doing so (but it would be awesome if you did)!          30 day challenge details click here

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